Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for being a customer of HempGold. We hope you like your product.If you have already left your review, please fill in the information below in order for us to locate your review and order details to ship your free item. If not please read below.Are you happy with the order? If yes, great! Please share it in the form of an Amazon review.Link to leave a review: copy and paste the URL if the link does not work or navigate to leave a review through your account area on Amazon.Once you’ve completed the review the link URL should look like this: code beginning with ‘R’ after the forward slash)If the review does not get published right away leave the review title in the review link field below.If you are unhappy with the order please let us know by sending us a message on Amazon on what we could have done better.We hope to hear from you soon.Best Wishes,
HempGold CS